By definition,video is a sequence of still images. Etymologically, the word "video"comes from the Latin word "video," meaning "I see." As anoun form of "videogram" or "videophony," video representsthe medium where an audiovisual document is recorded and stored.
A Bit of Audiovisual Production History
Unlike photography, where the image is fixed, it's the video reproduction system thatgenerates an image. In other words, a video image exists only in time. Itdoesn't involve a physical representation on a chemical medium like film. Invideo, it's referred to as a cathode-ray image: a bright point that moves veryquickly, causing a visual persistence.
The videoprocess came into being in the 1950s with the rise of television. During the1980s, video production was primarily reserved for television studios usinganalog media. However, the computer industry and the digital revolutionexpanded the landscape of audiovisual techniques.
Today,"more than half of professionals worldwide report that video is thecontent format with the best return on investment," according toeMarketer.
Different Types of Videos
Audiovisualproduction is categorized into 7 types:
1. Fiction:
2. Television: flow programs like shows and game shows.
3. Documentary: economic lifelines of TV channels.
4. Advertising
5. Music videos
6. Corporate films: used in businesses
7. Web content production: videos by YouTubers
How to Get into Audiovisual Production?
What are the steps and careers in audiovisual production? —
Several stagesare required to produce a video. 3 main phases can be distinguished:
· Pre-production phase
· Production phase
· Post-production phase
Each stage hasits significance.
The pre-production phase involves preparing for audiovisual production:
· Choosing the shooting location
· Selecting the cast
· Allocating the budget
· Scriptwriting
· Technical feasibility, and more
Regardless of the video format, storytelling is the cornerstone of all visual communications,especially for video production. This story is conveyed through narrationfacilitated by the video editing process.
Building thisnarrative requires a beginning, middle, and end. Moreover:
· You need to define the main character's goal: what'sits significance, and what will happen if the goal isn't achieved?
· You need to define the problem or obstacleencountered: why this obstacle, and what's its importance in the story?
· You need to define the solution for overcoming theobstacle: what's the impact of this solution, and why was this approach chosenover others?
The production phase primarily involves filming, capturing thevideo, with a videographer recording the shots needed for further processing.
The post-production phase encompasses all aspects of video editing and mixing.
What Is Video Editing?
Video editing involves:
• Arranging shots and tracks
• Creating a sequence or sequential manipulation
• Timing adjustments
• Adding visual effects
• Incorporating graphic elements
• Creating a soundtrack
• Exporting the project
Video editingis vital as it serves as a significant narrative tool. Without editing, videorecordings lose their essence.
What Formats to Use?
Like all imagerepresentations, video fits within a format. Originally, video had a 4:3 aspectratio, suitable for television. With newer TV models, the aspect ratiostandardized to 16:9, which is already a good ratio. Depending on the TV screensize, black bars may appear above and below the image. Nowadays, many TVmanufacturers offer a 21:9 aspect ratio, which is the one used in movietheaters.
With video'stechnological evolution and mutations, various formats are now possible byreducing size to fit different screen display spaces.
What Frame Rate to Use?
Audiovisualproduction consists of a sequence of still images, called frames. The number offrames a camera can record per second determines the smoothness of thedisplayed images. This is known as the frame rate. There are various frame rateoptions:
• 15 frames per second: videos with silent images, likelandscapes.
• 24 or 30 frames per second: videos with normal andsilent movements like walking or interviews.
• 60 frames per second: videos with fast actions.
• 120 frames per second: videos that use slow motion butrequire adequate lighting.
• 240 frames per second: videos for slow-motion withabundant lighting but risk having underexposure.
What image definition?
The screen isdivided into cells called pixels. Each pixel is associated with an electrical level.The number of pixels determines the image's resolution and, consequently, thevideo quality. An audiovisual production in a 4:3 format has 720x576 pixels.Various resolutions are now available for video:
• 5K: This is the most optimal resolution today,consisting of 5120 by 2880 pixels.
• 4K (Ultra HD): 4K is made up of 3840 by 2160 pixels.
• 1080p (Full HD): This is the most common resolution,as it fits most of our screens and televisions. The image is 1920 by 1080pixels.
• 720p (HD Ready): HD Ready has 1280 by 720 pixels. Thisis the lowest resolution for an image.
The linkbetween frame rate and your video's resolution largely depends on the deviceused to record your video. Some cameras can record 30 frames per second at 5Kquality and, conversely, record 240 frames per second in Full HD only. Thehigher the frame rate, the more challenging it is to achieve the maximumresolution.
What compression format?
There arenumerous compression formats for audiovisual production, and the choice dependson its use and the distribution channel. The main compression formats include:
• MPEG-2: Used for television broadcasting or DVD videoediting.
• MPEG-1 or MPEG-4: Suitable for high-speed ADSLbroadcasting or viewing on a computer screen.
• Windows Media, QuickTime, RealVideo, and DivX: Theseare compression formats primarily used for network or internet distribution.
It's importantto note that digital video can be data-intensive. The larger a video file, thebetter its quality will be preserved. Smaller file sizes, in terms ofmegabytes, may result in less than optimal quality.
How to set up a company, company, agency oraudiovisual production company?
Equipment and Execution
Having goodequipment for video production is essential, regardless of the purpose of the video.The choice of camera can vary depending on the desired outcome. For a basicnon-profit video, a smartphone camera may suffice. Many smartphones on themarket today offer high-quality cameras. However, for a more professional look,it's advisable to use a DSLR camera or a camcorder.
It's importantto remember that video is a series of still images, and the production of avideo is governed by the same parameters as photography: focal length,aperture, ISO, shutter speed, and lighting.
One of the key rulesof video is lighting. Good lighting is the first parameter to achievehigh-quality video.
Why do audiovisual production? Our advice for ahigh-performance video!
Regardingfocusing, we recommend manual focusing for better control, especially if yourcamera is older. However, today there are many accessories to help withfocusing issues.
For the cameraoperator, it's preferable to use a 180° shutter angle. For films shot at 24frames per second, the shutter should be set at 1/48s. For slow-motion effects,such as 60 frames per second, the shutter should be set at 1/120s.
During videocapture, regardless of the video's intended destination, shooting secondarysequences is essential for later production. Having still images or photosextracted from the video is recommended because video frames may lose theirquality when extracted.
What's Needed for Marketing Videos?
When creating avideo for marketing purposes, storytelling plays a significant role in thedevelopment of the script and the scenario. The goal is to captivate theaudience by incorporating a human dimension into the narrative, encouragingviewers to develop an interest in the story and the characters within the film.
The objectiveof the video must be clearly defined so that the message is understood.Situational scenarios are effective for allowing viewers to relate to thestory.
In recentyears, video has been recognized as the communication tool with the highestengagement rate. It can take various forms for marketing purposes, such asexecutive, informative, or introductory videos.
To succeed increating a fully personalized video, it's essential to answer some questionsbefore preparing a promotional video:
• Who is the target audience?
• What is the video's objective? Is it to increase brandawareness, boost sales, launch a new product, or achieve some other goal?
• On which channels will the video be published?
• What is the budget allocated?
• What are the creative requirements?
Motion Design
Some videoproductions may require motion design to enhance or simplify the narrative.Introducing these video sequences requires a level of editing similar to videoproduction, or even more complex, as motion design primarily relies on theanimation of elements created with video editing software. Adobe After Effectsis one of the most well-known software for this purpose, allowing the additionof special effects in video production.
Motion designis a simple and effective form of animation for highlighting a service orbrand. It's also ideal for simplifying complex information.
Which Software for Video Editing?
Numeroussoftware options are available for video creation. Some are free, such asiMovie, DaVinci Resolve, VSDC, ShotCut, while others are paid, like AdobePremiere Pro, Filmora9, Camtasia, and Final Cut Pro. However, it's essential tounderstand the principles of communication and video production to achieve thedesired effect. Videography and motion design are real professions that requireexpertise and guidance. It's no longer just about making a video; it's aboutcreating the best video with the highest quality and performance based on theintended goal.
Videoproduction is accessible to all, but conveying a message or emotion is a skillthat requires expertise. Finding the right audiovisual production company canbe challenging, given the multitude of production companies and agencies. Formany years, Terfuu has been an expert in audiovisual production and hascompleted numerous projects for its clients with the help of its creativeprofessionals, who are among the top 5%.